Find some information about Tilwen in the profile info. In the table are all games and bit further down you'll find all reviews and finally the rating graph.
Group B 4th round review pasis vs Claspa, Josekibot vs Fenring, pepi vs Claspa, Tilwen vs Grizzly, Abattre vs SharpEye, pasis vs corvgo, syrius vs iguana
Group B 3rd round review leszczyn vs Orionore, Abattre vs johnsilver, AgingGuru vs pepi, johnsilver vs Orionore, Tilwen vs leszczyn, Grizzly vs Abattre
Group B 5th round reviews adrirengo vs JBertram, gokul2411s vs jusi, shisu vs aleph2, Tilwen vs Trethtzer, Farodin vs riigen
Group B 4th round reviews Farodin vs Rumfoord, gokul2411s vs Syriane, shisu vs gozgur, Tilwen vs Urgelia, Flo31 vs Leptir, Trethtzer vs adrirengo, aleph2 vs riigen
Group B 2nd round reviews Farodin vs gozgur, Leptir vs gokul2411s, shisu vs riigen, Trethtzer vs Urgelia, aleph2 vs Rumfoord, JBertram vs Tilwen, adrirengo vs slap
Group B 3rd round reviews Leptir vs Tilwen, adrirengo vs Trethtzer, jusi vs Urgelia, georgezhou vs Rumfoord, Rumfoord vs Farodin, aleph2 vs Farodin
Group B 2nd round reviews baboulin3 vs Syriane, Leptir vs JBertram, Trethtzer vs georgezhou, adrirengo vs aleph2, Tilwen vs Urgelia, Christoph vs gokul2411s (by Young-sam)
Group B 1st round reviews adrirengo vs Rumfoord, Leptir vs jusi, Urgelia vs riigen, georgezhou vs Farodin, gokul2411s vs baboulin3, Trethtzer vs aleph2, Tilwen vs JBertram
Group B 3rd round reviews pavellevap vs xianno2son, Syriane vs gokul2411s, johnsilver vs polob, Tilwen vs Trethtzer, johnsilver vs Tilwen, slap vs Urgelia
Group B 1st round reviews Flo31 vs Urgelia, Piemuo vs iguana, jusi vs Fenring, Tilwen vs Farodin, pavellevap vs gokul2411s
Gorup B 5th round reivews pavellevap vs juhop, Tilwen vs polob, slap vs jusi, Flo31 vs Fenring, mizuti vs Syriane, gokul2411s vs xianno2son (by Young-sam)
Season 31 Cycle 1
Group C 5th round reviews ETBI vs Ethelor, brogicus vs hayago, Tilwen vs Flo31, karnickel vs Farodin, ptitged vs LePoireau
Group B 1st round reviews autom00v vs shisu, slap vs Urgelia, xianno2son vs Syriane, gokul2411 vs Fenring, jusi vs pavellevap, Trethtzer vs Tilwen (by Young-sam)
Group B & C 3rd round reviews gokul2411s vs polob, Ethelor vs brogicus, genewong vs Sovereign, Tilwen vs shisu, pavellevap vs xianno2son (by Chi-min)
Group B 5th round reviews Fenring vs Flo31, Urgelia vs johnsilver, Vrall vs Tilwen, gokul2411s vs freamon, KuroSenshi vs slap (by Young-sam)
Group B 4th round reviews gokul2411s vs xianno2son, slap vs saladtoes, Vrall vs Trethtzer, KuroSenshi vs freamon, EdwinS vs Fenring, karnickel vs Tilwen
Group B 3rd round reviews Urgelia vs Fenring, fmf vs Vrall, gokul2411s vs KuroSenshi, johnsilver vs EdwinS, Tilwen vs Trethtzer, slap vs xianno2son
Group B 2nd round reviews karnickel vs Vrall, Fenring vs shisu, freamon vs xianno2son, Urgelia vs EdwinS, KuroSenshi vs saladtoes, Tilwen vs genewong, slap vs gokul2411s
Group B 1st round reviews Fenring vs johnsilver, saladtoes vs gokul2411s, Trethtzer vs karnickel, xianno2son vs KuroSenshi, shisu vs Urgelia, fmf vs Tilwen, Vrall vs genewong, Flo31 vs EdwinS
Season 30 Cycle 1
Group C 5th round reviews Ethelor vs toomasr, john28 vs rottenhat, pluksch vs HappyShark, bubuto355 vs Tilwen, nbouscal vs Vidada, rotutu vs Trethtzer, ramborocky vs tonio65, theob vs rpablo007
Group C 4th round reviews rottenhat vs rpablo007, nbouscal vs john28, theob vs Vidada, Tilwen vs Rasmunis, Trethtzer vs bubuto355 (by Chi-min)
Group C 3rd round reviews nbouscal vs rottenhat, john28 vs theob, Tilwen vs brogicus, rpablo007 vs Vidada, toomasr vs HappyShark, Trethtzer vs Rasmunis, tonio65 vs pluksch