Find some information about JoshGo in the profile info . In the table are all games and bit further down you'll find all reviews and finally the rating graph .
Profile info of JoshGo
City: Paris
Country: France
Games Table of JoshGo
Reviews for JoshGo
Season 17 Cycle 1
S,A,B 5th round reviews feiyang vs midoc, janr vs Chill, bitzi vs gennan, Thel vs Symphonie, vermouth vs headache, gosei vs JoshGo
S,A,B 4th round 2nd additional reviews Luxure vs lovebach, SenYuki vs JoshGo
S,A,B 3rd round 2nd additional reviews Symphonie vs feiyang Tasky vs JoshGo
S,A,B 2nd round 2nd additional reviews Luxure vs JoshGo, Lebertran vs janr
S,A,B 1st round 2nd additional review lovebach vs JoshGo
Rating Graph