Find some information about Ethelor in the profile info. In the table are all games and bit further down you'll find all reviews and finally the rating graph.
Profile info of Ethelor
About me
I have been playing go since 2012 while studying at The University of Edinburgh. Taking a small break between 2018 and 2020.
My goal has always to be KGS 1d. I stalled in terms of rank quite badly after 5k and stalling completely at 2k.
Since joining YD, I have been able to improve again to 1k! (I have also attained 1d on OGS and KGS even if I haven't been able to successfully defend the rank yet.) Inseong has helped me a lot to improve on my weaknesses. I look forward to many more interesting and challenging games.
These days, I live in Hitchin where I attend the Stevenage (North Hertfordshire) Go Club. I also am active as a tournament player, so if you keep an eye out then you may find me.
Finally, I also have a small youtube channel where I upload my training games and talk about the game. In case you are interested:
City: Hitchin/London Country: United Kingdom My strengths: I have good textbook knowledge, opening direction and territorial sense for the game. My weaknesses: I spend a lot of time looking at my own weaknesses while forgetting my opponent's, causing my play to be slightly passive.
Furthermore, I often don't read in as detailed a way as I should, leading me to over rely on my intuition.
I also have had a pretty big lack of game experience, meaning that I often have difficulties finishing a game due to last minute mistakes.
Group B 3rd round review Orionore vs Tilwen, baa vs Ethelor, cbcvcvcv vs baa, Claspa vs Ethelor, cbcvcvcv vs Roselene
Group B 1st round review Random101 vs engelbert, Ethelor vs Roselene, Tilwen vs Fanshawe, Abattre vs Jikolo, Orionore vs SharpEye
Season 38 Cycle 3
Group B 5th round review joris104 vs OranGoTan, Claspa vs corvgo, reunited vs engelbert, Ethelor vs Bjorn0, Fenring vs SharpEye, cbcvcvcv vs rottenhat, Jikolo vs Orionore
Group B 3rd round review OranGoTan vs guufre, corvgo vs Ethelor, reunited vs Fenring, Bjorn0 vs rottenhat, claspa vs cbcvcvcv
Group B 2nd round review Orionore vs OranGoTan, FrenchDude vs Hurakami, cbcvcvcv vs corvgo, rottenhat vs Ethelor
Group B 5th round review Ethelor vs engelbert, rottenhat vs OranGoTan, guufre vs wobble, bjorn0 vs joris104
Group B 4th round review rottenhat vs guufre, johnsilver vs joris104, reunited vs Sham1412, dfan vs OranGoTan, Ethelor vs Rasmunis, Rasmunis vs joris104
Group B 3rd round review wobble vs OranGoTan, Jikolo vs reunited, Sham1412 vs OrloCub, guufre vs corvgo, Bjorn0 vs Ethelor, rottenhat vs dfan
Group B 5th round review baa vs rottenhat, corvgo vs Ethelor, Jikolo vs reunited, Fenring vs Rasmunis, Sham1412 vs InteRval, wobble vs engelbert
Group B 4th round review joris104 vs Jikolo, guufre vs wobble, reunited vs engelbert, Bjorn0 vs Ethelor, InteRval vs SharpEye, baa vs corvgo, Claspa vs rottenhat
Group B 2nd round review johnsilver vs InteRval, guufre vs Jikolo, baa vs Claspa, joris104 vs engelbert, rottenhat vs Ethelor, corvgo vs Bjorn0
Group B 1st round review guufre vs engelbert, Jikolo vs wobble, Fenring vs SharpEye, baa vs Ethelor, Bjorn0 vs rottenhat, Rasmunis vs InteRval, corvgo vs Claspa
Season 37 Cycle 3
Group C 2nd round review dfan vs pasis, Tuzid vs SnVnl, Trethtzer vs johnsilver, Ethelor vs twohalf
Group B 5th round review InteRval vs leszczyn, RenG vs dfrankel, adrirengo vs Carl, rottenhat vs Ethelor, Edhellan vs iguana, SharpEye vs engelbert, ETBI vs Sham1412
Group B 3rd round reviews jacksonh vs XYG1, RenG vs Ethelor, Ryddle vs MilosS, Apih vs Rumfoord, brogicus vs rottenhat, johnsilver vs adrirengo, Vidomina vs Rumfoord
Group B 2nd round review rottenhat vs lagolden, karnickel vs Ryddle, shisu vs Ethelor, MilosS vs RenG, XYG1 vs brogicus
Group B 1st round review Vidomina vs adrirengo, baa vs brogicus, jacksonh vs lagolden, XYG1 vs rottenhat, genewong vs Apih, karnickel vs RenG, Ethelor vs MilosS
Group C 2nd round reviews shisu vs MKyle, XYG1 vs talbo, Ethelor vs Ryddle, gozgur vs genewong, karnickel vs MilosS, baa vs cbcvcvcv, ThisIsSeki vs toomasr
Group C 1st round reviews Apih vs gozgur, genewong vs MKyle, Ethelor vs XYG1, baa vs toomasr, cbcvcvcv vs jacksonh (by Chi-min)
Group C 4th round reviews brogicus vs ThisIsSeki, rottenhat vs Ethelor, Sovereign vs Apih, LePoireau vs johnsilver, Spelbreker vs Rasmunis, ETBI vs pepi
Group C 3rd round reviews Rasmunis vs rottenhat, ptitged vs ETBI, Ethelor vs karnickel, Sovereign vs johnsilver, johnsilver vs Apih, ptitged vs pepi
Group C 2nd round reviews polob vs Sovereign, karnickel vs rottenhat, Ethelor vs Spelbreker, ETBI vs brogicus, LePoireau vs jacksonh, yes vs Rasmunis
Group C 1st round reviews Sovereign vs LePoireau, johnsilver vs jacksonh, yes vs Ethelor, brogicus vs ptitged, ETBI vs ThisIsSeki
Season 31 Cycle 2
Group C 5th round reviews Spelbreker vs Sovereign, karnickel vs LePoireau, brogicus vs rottenhat, nbouscal vs Cypr14n, ETBI vs toomasr, Ethelor vs jacksonh, yes vs Apih
Group C 4th round reviews rottenhat vs Cypr14n, LePoireau vs Spelbreker, georgezhou vs Sovereign, shisu vs karnickel, Ethelor vs toomasr, Apih vs ETBI (by Young-sam)
Group C 3rd round reviews Rasmunis vs brogicus, yes vs toomasr, yes vs Ethelor, brogicus vs ptitged, iguana vs Shamash
Group C 1st round reviews Rasmunis vs rottenhat, nbouscal vs ptitged, Sovereign vs shisu, brogicus vs Cypr14n, Toomas vs jacksonh, Apih vs Ethelor
Season 31 Cycle 1
Group C 5th round reviews ETBI vs Ethelor, brogicus vs hayago, Tilwen vs Flo31, karnickel vs Farodin, ptitged vs LePoireau
Group C 4th round reviews Ethelor vs pepi, brogicus vs Cypr14n, Sovereign vs karnickel, Spelbreker vs Rasmunis, hayago vs ETBI, Apih vs Ptitged (by Young-sam)
Group C 2nd round reviews Spelbreker vs jacksonh, hayago vs pepi, LePoireau vs Apih, ETBI vs brogicus, Cypr14n vs Ethelor (by Chi-min)
Group C 1st round reviews ETBI vs Cypr14n, mizuti vs polob, hayago vs Ethelor, Rasmunis vs LePoireau, jacksonh vs Apih, pepi vs brogicus, iguana vs casio
Group B & C 3rd round reviews gokul2411s vs polob, Ethelor vs brogicus, genewong vs Sovereign, Tilwen vs shisu, pavellevap vs xianno2son (by Chi-min)
Season 30 Cycle 3
Group C 4th round reviews Ethelor vs Rasmunis, Vidada vs Gaaruto, theob vs genewong, karnickel vs pluksch, tonio65 vs brogicus, toomasr vs ramborocky, Ethelor vs Rasmunis, rottenhat vs nbouscal
Group C 3rd round reviews pepi vs ramborocky, Ethelor vs theob, Gaaruto vs john28, brogicus vs toomasr, Vidada vs rottenhat, pluksch vs genewong, ptitged vs Tonio65
Group C 5th round reviews nbouscal vs Ethelor, HappyShark vs Rasmunis, Gaaruto vs john28, brogicus vs bubuto355, Farodin vs pepi, rotutu vs pluksch, theob vs tonio65, ramborocky vs toomasr
Group C 3rd round reviews bubuto355 vs Ethelor, tonio65 vs brogicus, ramborocky vs john28, Gaaruto vs GDKeijser, Farodin vs Rasmunis
Group C 2nd round reviews rotutu vs HappyShark, Ethelor vs brogicus, nbouscal vs tonio65, Gaaruto vs Vidada, theob vs bubuto355, Rasmunis vs pepi (by Chi-min)
Group C 1st round reviews HappyShark vs Farodin, Ethelor vs tonio65, ramborocky vs Gaaruto, vidada vs john28, GDKeijser vs toomasr, pluksch vs pepi
Group C 5th round reviews Ethelor vs toomasr, john28 vs rottenhat, pluksch vs HappyShark, bubuto355 vs Tilwen, nbouscal vs Vidada, rotutu vs Trethtzer, ramborocky vs tonio65, theob vs rpablo007
Group C 2nd round reviews ramborocky vs toomasr, tonio65 vs HappyShark, bubuto355 vs brogicus, Rasmunis vs rotutu, pluksch vs Ethelor, theob vs rottenhat, Vidada vs john28 (by Young-sam)
Group C 1st round reviews Trethtzer vs brogicus, theob vs nbouscal, ramborocky vs HappyShark, john28 vs rpablo007, Rasmunis vs bubuto355, Vidada vs rottenhat, Ethelor vs tonio65
Season 29 Cycle 3
Group C 5th round reviews cbcvcvcv vs nico23, Rasmunis vs toomasr, baa vs yakcyll, rotutu vs MilosS, HappyShark vs Ethelor, HappyShark vs nico23
Group C 4th round reviews cbcvcvcv vs toomasr, baa vs tennisbabe, genewong vs MilosS, tonio65 vs ajopuu, Spelbreker vs rotutu, yakcyll vs rpablo007, Ethelor vs Rasmunis
Group C 3rd round reviews cbcvcvcv vs Ethelor, genewong vs Spelbreker, MilosS vs pepi, HappyShark vs Rasmunis, baa vs ajopuu, tonio65 vs rpablo007
Group C 2nd round reviews nico23 vs Ethelor, genewong vs rotutu, MilosS vs brogicus, Spelbreker vs pepi, baa vs tonio65, cbcvcvcv vs Rasmunis
Group C 1st round reviews rotutu vs pepi, MilosS vs Spelbreker, baa vs rpablo007, brogicus vs genewong, nico23 vs Rasmunis, yakcyll vs tonio65, toomasr vs Ethelor
Season 29 Cycle 2
Group C 5th round reviews xxn vs pepi, rotutu vs Trethtzer, rpablo007 vs toomasr, Vrall vs autom00v, Spelbreker vs cbcvcvcv, HappyShark vs Ethelor, baa vs MilosS
Group C 3rd round reviews Vrall vs pepi, tonio65 vs rpablo007, Ethelor vs toomasr, pluksch vs Gaaruto, rustygecko vs Koan
Group C 2nd round reviews HappyShark vs toomasr, tonio65 vs Ethelor, Trethtzer vs pepi, Vrall vs rotutu, rpablo007 vs yakcyll (by Chi-min)
Group C 1st round reviews toomasr vs yakcyll, baa vs cbcvcvcv, nico23 vs Spelbreker, Ethelor vs rpablo007, tonio65 vs HappyShark, pepi vs autom00v, Rasmunis vs MilosS, rotutu vs xxn
Season 29 Cycle 1
Group C 5th round reviews Ethelor vs HappyShark, KuroSenshi vs Vrall, autom00v vs rotutu, baa vs Trethtzer, toomasr vs pluksch (by Chi-min)
Group C 4th round reviews HappyShark vs autom00v, johnsilver vs baa, pluksch vs Rasmunis, Spelbreker vs Ethelor, KuroSenshi vs MilosS, Trethtzer vs Vrall, nico23 vs rotutu
Group C 3rd round reviews autom00v vs Spelbreker, Rasmunis vs yakcyll, KuroSenshi vs Trethtzer, nico23 vs Ethelor (by Seong-jin)
Group C 2nd round reviews freamon vs pepi, autom00v vs Ethelor, rotutu vs Spelbreker, nico23 vs HappyShark, yakcyll vs pluksch, baa vs Vrall, toomasr vs Rasmunis
Group C 1st round reviews johnsilver vs Trethtzer, rotutu vs Ethelor, Spelbreker vs HappyShark, yakcyll vs toomasr, pluksch vs Mucker, Rasmunis vs cbcvcvcv (by Young-sam)
Season 28 Cycle 3
Group C 5th round reviews HappyShark vs absorber, rotutu vs cbcvcvcv, Ethelor vs autom00v, pluksch vs Rasmunis, xxn vs brogicus, Mucker vs MilosS, gplayer vs rikuge, johnsilver vs Trethtzer
Group C 3rd round reviews Mucker vs pluksch, autom00v vs rotutu, rikuge vs Rasmunis, kojihu vs brogicus, MilosS vs gplayer, absorber vs cbcvcvcv, HappyShark vs Ethelor, Vrall vs Trethtzer
Group C 2nd round reviews Vrall vs brogicus, johnsilver vs kojihu, gplayer vs Rasmunis, xxn vs Trethtzer, absorber vs autom00v, rotutu vs Ethelor, pluksch vs MilosS
Group C 1st round reviews johnsilver vs brogicus, xxn vs Vrall, rotutu vs HappyShark, Rasmunis vs Mucker, MilosS vs rikuge, Ethelor vs absorber (by Young-sam)
Group C 1st round reviews rotutu vs gihau, gplayer vs Rasmunis, kojihu vs HappyShark, baa vs karnickel, Vrall vs Ethelor, autom00v vs xxn
Season 28 Cycle 1
Group C 5th round reviews Trethtzer vs gihau, cbcvcvcv vs pluksch, brogicus vs Ethelor, HappyShark vs absorber, autom00v vs kojihu
Group C 4th round reviews Ethelor vs Mucker, autom00v vs gihau, toomasr vs brogicus, nbouscal vs pluksch, HappyShark vs rotutu, xxn vs Trethtzer (by Young-sam)
Group C 2nd round reviews absorber vs pluksch, HappyShark vs nbouscal, Ethelor vs toomasr, brogicus vs Rasmunis, kojihu vs Trethtzer (by Young-sam)
Group C 1st round reviews Ethelor vs Rasmunis, Trethtzer vs autom00v, HappyShark vs pluksch, toomasr vs Mucker, Buridan vs brogicus, xxn vs kojihu, cbcvcvcv vs
nbouscal, absorber vs rotutu
YD Summer Stage 2020 League B4
YDSS Group B 3rd round reviews rjm vs Vrall, StonedBuda vs autom00v, Monkeyfool vs cbcvcvcv, KamiKatze vs weiqi5, Mucker vs Ethelor
YDSS Group B 1st round reviews Vrall vs gaxxlol, weiqi5 vs nbouscal, autom00v vs johnsilver, Ethelor vs Sauk, xianno2son vs jingo, ketler vs cbcvcvcv
Group C 5th round reviews gihau vs brogicus, absorber vs flutenic, nbouscal vs toomasr, xxn vs gplayer, goemilgo vs woard, Spelbreker vs yaneth, johnsilver vs Ethelor, Grablor vs Keyvan
Group C 4th round reveiws xxn vs nbouscal, johnsilver vs toomasr, gihau vs yaneth, gplayer vs Ethelor (by Seong-jin)
Group C 3rd round reviews yaneth vs brogicus, gihau vs absorber, xxn, johnsilver, toomasr vs Ethelor, gplayer vs nbouscal, pluksch vs grablor
Group C 2nd round reviews xxn vs Ethelor, flutenic vs yaneth, brogicus vs absorber, pluksch vs woard, johnsilver vs nbouscal, gihau vs Spelbreker, gplayer vs toomasr, Keyvan vs goemilgo
Group C 1st round reviews xxn vs toomasr, woard vs hdc, spelbreker vs brogicus, nbouscal vs Ethelor, grablor vs goemilgo, absorber vs yaneth, pluksch vs Keyvan gplayer vs johnsilver
Season 27 Cycle 1
Group B 5th round reviews genewong vs johnsilver, gregth vs Rasmunis, Sarastro vs Ethelor, catmai vs Fenring, shisu vs F0re (by Chi-min)
Group B 4th round reviews sd2020 vs Andeol, genewong vs gregth, Piemuo vs xianno2son, freamon vs Rcasso, ethelor vs Rasmunis, Syriane vs ZoRoro